Monday, June 1, 2009

... grow fonder


We took two days off from rehearsal. We're not back until tomorrow. I spent Saturday running the Brooklyn Half Marathon, talking the first half of the 13.1 mile race talking about the play. The process, the growth of the actors. How special it is to go through development with the same team...and like a long run, how important it is to pace ourselves. We needed the time off because otherwise we would've peaked at mile nine and been lagging in slowly to the finish line. Which isn't exactly true, the finish line is not Opening is a new part of the process. A new energy enters into the experience. I will write about that more toward Opening I'm sure. But there is something dangerous to be fully ready for tech a week in advance. It is my hope that the time off gives Jamie D. and Eric T. time to deepen/own the text notes from Andrea and a little excitement for the week to come. 
The second half of the long run, I tried to listen to my friend Aaron talk about his trip to Europe. Something happens when I run long distances...I get very annoyed at my inability to listen, and focus on what is being said. I'm just trying to put one foot in front of the other and finish. Maybe that's why it's important to take time off... so listening and responding remain a joy in the conversation of the play and not something that gets in the way of simply getting to the Opening.
I spent the second half of Saturday not thinking about the play at all. Far away. My mind was at ease. Sunday the focus shifted back on the play. Kate Rafey, stage manager from Clark, and our P.A. called to tell me she'd be arriving Monday and was excited about starting on the play. An hour later, l got a call from Lea who had spent approximately $40 finishing the costume shopping and prop shopping, besides cake, - in Florida. Got to love Florida shrift shops. And then I went out with a friend to watch the sun set over Manhattan - while there I spent most of the evening talking about the process of the play. 
And today, Monday, I'm looking forward to getting back to it all again on Tuesday. Working some notes. And hoping to have everything in place so Sarah, Betsy, Lea, and Jessica can focus on tech. I'm getting very excited about sharing the play with the public. It is a very intimate process and the intimacy is what I'm hoping we are able to share with the public. As it has become Scott, my, Eric T., Jamie D, Jessica, Sarah, Lea, Betsy, Kate Rafey, Keenan, LAByrinth, and Alchemy's play...I look forward to it becoming the audience's play too.



Sue Drojak Finley said...

Beautifully written. Very exciting as well!

Bekki Smith said...

Hi Padraic -- I'm Keenan's mom. I want to express my deep appreciation to you (and the entire cast and crew) for the invaluable learning experience you provided for Keenan. He came back incredibly energized and excited about the play and his role in the creative process. It was amazing!! We'd love to come to the Opening. Can you let me know the date and time? Thank you again!! Bekki

Padraic Lillis said...


The Opening is June 17th at 7:00PM. I hope you and Keenan can make the play. He was a great part of the rehearsal process. I hope you can both see the play.
