Monday, June 8, 2009

Time to move


Last night I was nostalgic for our time together in the rehearsal room before we even left. After today's rehearsal it was clear that it is time to move to the theater. Eric T. and Jamie D. had a great run through. Demonstrating the knowledge of the play, capturing the inner storm, and the love for and between each other. However, Scott and I saw clearly what was missing. Always pushing for more. Most time the last run in the room is a confidence builder. "we're ready." Well, they are ready. But today's focus on what elevates the play. Afterward, Scott and I talked with each other about what is the next level we need to see the performances at as we enter tech. Then I tactless talked about that with the actors during notes. Probably not the best for morale. Definitely attention grabbing. 
After rehearsal we had a cast and production team dinner planned. After a couple of hours off we gathered at the restaurant, it was then the actors said it was good to hear the notes. They wanted praise but appreciated the honesty. I got to apologize for my clumsiness and we all committed to the next level of work. It is time to leave the rehearsal room. Time to get into the space for presentation. And it is not our last time together. This experience will connect Jamie D, Eric T. Scott Hudson, and myself for a very long time. I am sure.

Oh, and thanks for the comments on yesterday's post. Both of them were very affirming for the work we are doing. Valerie's questions were those that I spoke about at the end of rehearsal today and why this play is an honor to work on, and exciting to present.

Tomorrow I go to the theater to see all the tech loaded in. 


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