Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Cast and Crew!

Here's the team for Sweet Storm (not the whole team, but everyone present), assembled after the dress rehearsal, Thursday 6/19/08.

From left to right: Carly Whitaker (our Assistant Scenic Designer from Bennington), Sarah Sidman (one of LAB's fantastic Lighting Designers), Jamie Dunn (the one and only Ruthie), Jessica J. Felix (our tremendous Stage Manager), Eric T. Miller (the one and only Bo), Padraic our fine director, Martin Andrew (Scenic Designer), the playwright himself Scott Hudson, Elizabeth Rhodes (one of LAB's great Sound Designers), Lauren Lopez (production assistant extraordinaire), David Jackson (Assistant Director - and a genius with his own company, Impetuous Theater), and Becky Harris (our other Production Assistant extraordinaire).

Beautiful Photo by Thom Kaine.

1 comment:

Zenovia said...

After meeting Eric on a plane to LaGuardia, I can't wait to see this off-Broadway production. I've told my friends about it and they want to see it too. Break a leg!