Stage Manager notes: "Really Terrific Show! Nothing but the best from the audience. The actors took 2 curtain calls due to the ravenous applause! Moments that got a large response: Very Top Entrance, New Boxers, Mr. Jenkins burnin' in hell, Scrooge, Gloria Hattersfield, Blue Jay, Collecting the gardenias, Colas (open cooler and preacher push!!!!), Cutlery, Fish!!!, Ladder Break.
1 props note: All props are stored at the Shiva right now.
1 set note: Set Elements are stored in the Shiva right now.
1 costumes note: Becky washed all the costumes and they are stored in the Shiva.
Running time: 1 hour 13 minutes.
If you saw this performance, please post a comment and tell us your thoughts. The show might be over for now, but we'll be talking about it for a long time.
this was a really terrific moment for labyrinth. a beautiful new voice in scott hudson. simultaneously mature and innocent. he truly loves his characters - the most important trait a playwright must possess, that selfless empathy. i am so proud of scott on a personal level too. it is very easy to NOT write. to NOT finish. to give up or to settle for mediocrity and the promise of a little applause and a few smiling hugs. scott went beyond that. he loved his characters too much to make it solely about him. two people, one location, real time, lights up, lights down? and one of them can't walk? good stuff. and i'm happy as a theater-goer too, unrelated to my personal interest in the collaborative team, due to the prospect of an emerging new voice. after all, this was his first play! also, padraic's guidance throughout the process, his dedication, and his ego-free, nearly invisible direction were impressive and exemplary. indicative of both his love of theater and his love of labyrinth. good work, pad! and the 2 actors...terrific. they worked with the commitment, focus and discipline of a 16 week run for an event scheduled for a mere 2 days. neither one of them is a labyrinth member, but they both possess the best of the lab ethic. congrats all the way around. it was a pleasure as a friend, as a lab member, as someone who loves theater. i look forward to seeing it again. as well as, dare i say, the next hudson-lillis collaboration. much thanks, all the best... brett c.
I admired the enthusiasm of the fellow playing Bo but was often perplexed at the enthusiasm of the audience - were we watching the same play? I understand that the process of writing new work is a delicate one, but I feel that I ought to say a few things constructively. Foremost, I wasn't sure what the conflict was so I wasn't compelled to sit there and listen to a string of quaint stories about quaint off-stage characters. I get the religion/faith issue, but why on earth would someone who didn't believe in God marry a preacher? And the girl is truly the most shrill character I've run across in the theater in quite sometime -- she hated to do everything -- get a towel dirty, get chocolate on her dress, smell flowers... Why would anyone want to marry this person much less sit in the audience and have their ears shredded by her incessant whining for an hour and a half? That said, I loved the idea of the play, the atmosphere created by the playwright. I just wish I hadn't felt tortured by one of two characters for the entirety.
A sweet storm blew through NYC this past weekend.... Congratulations to Padraic, Scott, Jamie, Eric and the ENTIRE STAFF.... through the eyes of the storm we saw and we loved it!!!!! Thank YOU ALL from the sunny south!! Jewdee
I first would love to congratulate the LAByrinth for their dedication to developing new work and new stories by American playwrights. That being said, I too was left in a conundrum. I love the idea of the story but was often in a puzzle about what the story was actually about. Throughout the show I kept thinking, it was about one thing but then that story line was quickly dropped, then another story line began and then dropped. There was an extreme over use of character mentioned but never really adding to the advancement of the story of conflict. Which left many of the audience members laughing and left me in a puzzle on what I am watching. I felt the character of Ruthie is extremely underdeveloped. She has no real viewpoint…other that rejecting everything Bo does for her. What was her problem? Why was she so unhappy with everything? Is it because she is in a wheelchair? This may have been an acting issue but as an audience member I need to see her play the opposite, sometimes. People that go around hating things often don’t tell the other person that they hate it or are unhappy. They fight to suppress those emotions for the sake of not hurting the other person’s feelings. However, we saw Bo be so loving and giving forwards her and Ruthie rejected everything…on their wedding night! Why did he marry her? Sympathy? If so let us see that. Let us see something.
I was very confused on Bo’s logic of the tree house. The story of how/why he got the land is very confusing. He wants to build a house there? So that she can use the magic healing waters? But then later says he just wants to go skinny-dipping? The story of carving the name on the tree was also very unclear. Why did he do it? Somebody had to go “wee” in the tree so he turned his back? Also, the use of the word “wee” is funny once, maybe twice but watching a girl who is old enough say “use the restroom” use the word “wee” so many times becomes nauseating.
I also, felt some of the story devises were poorly used. The cake scene was fairly predictable. It was cute, but it was just that. It was another moment where Bo did something sweet, like the flowers, the tree house, and the cokes, that Ruthie took and turned it into her issue. (Cake on dress). I also felt he gift of the radio came too late in the show from a character that we care nothing about. It became a clear device for the dance and hurricane. Which is another issue. How do people not know there is a hurricane coming? And how do you introduce that device pages before the show ends? They had no radio in the car telling them it’s going to rain? There might be a big storm coming. The logic was failing me.
Over all I think there is great potential with this script. I think it needs a firm director and dramaturg to work with Mr. Hudson on the structure, logic and honestly the language that at time would become so sugary southern that Tennessee Williams would have a fit.
I hope to see future readings of this play as I think there is a great story in there. I encourage the LAB to continue their exploration of emerging playwrights.
Dear Sir or Madam who left the post prior to this one:
If you don't mind: Your constructive feedback quickly morphed into a deluge of questions that reveal your lack of open-mindedness and perhaps your imagination. If you prefer each background detail and psychological underpinning and quirk and answer to why people love each other handed to you on a plate with nothing left to speculate yourself, then perhaps you should be reading a textbook instead of watching live theater.
Just a thought.
Cheers to Mr. Hudson and Mr. Lillis.
I'm sorry I'm so late in posting this...but I thought Sweet Storm was a LOVELY play. Very well written, very well directed with two compelling actors.
One of the things I have to congratulate the Padraic and everyone for is the honesty, innocence and sincerity of the characters. It would be far to easy to make these two characters stereotypical, backwards, etc.
It was also refreshing to see on stage two young people struggling with issues SO much larger than others their age could deal with.
The simplicity of the story, the strong love these two characters has for each other, maybe, just maybe they could survive anything...including a hurricane.
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