Saturday, June 14, 2008

Day 9 - Need for audience


The work is getting really specific, as P.A. Lauren notated - it can always get more specific. Right now it is living in a wonderful place of privacy - almost everytime the scene begins again, and the two actors begin acting, the Anspacher goes away, and the world of Sweet Storm emerges. It is lovely. There is part of us that would like to keep it that private but there is now a need to lift the play to a place of theatrical presentation - in the acting. Keep it private with an awareness that the audience needs to track the story. Tomorrow we will get an audience, of a sort, we are doing a run through for the designers. So the awareness of an outside world will be filled. Also, there is a desire for more production. Scott is starting to want more elements of the storm. Wind, Rain, and lights - we will figure out how to get it in there in a quality rehearsal room way. But that need is there because the play is ready to be lifted toward production.
One thing we do have is workshop costumes - and fashion eagle eye Becky is on it. She has an acute sense of how things should fit, is starting to think about how to coordinate things for cleaning between rehearsals and shows, and when Eric T. is in his rehearsal boxers (nike shorts), black socks, dress shoes, and dress shirt, she is there to okay his fashion forward outfit for standing outside the public on break. One more time, in honor of Tim Russert - don't forget, "If it's Sunday, it's Father's Day."

Looking forward to our first run through tomorrow.


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