Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Day 12 - Production management


(Ticket selling moment) I got to see Eric in his underwear today. They fit perfect and Jamie D, and him in the world of the play in their white garments really feel right. I'm telling you that Scott Hudson sure knows how to write a crowd pleaser. yes, I hear we are sold out. Please don't let this prevent you from attending - tickets may be released. You might be able to get in...all the optomistic things I want to say because I want you to see the play. It is beautiful. Or come tomorrow at 7:30 and we'll do an open final run through. Big news we have Danny - a Production Manager, on the job a day and already our bed is sturdier, the position of the light board is clear, and the things we aren't sure about...we aren't sure about them because we've gotten the most informed answers of options that could happen with road boxes we are using for walls...and etc. But we also have good back up plans. I said there was a mystery prop person - and Dina Janis wanted to remind me it may have been Carly from Bennington. Carly designed the set at Bennington, and did a lovely job. We are grateful for her continued effort on the play. Thank you Carly. However, there are other mystery prop people that have been dropping off new things every day...and today we had another person bring more props...the support and help from every direction has been appreciated. Martin was in today...planning out the hinge for the 'rehearsal' trap door as well as cleaning up other presentation ideas. We are very close to getting ready. Sarah Sidman was in today...sharing her thoughts on presentation. But also, and this is what I love about designers, she gave me the first note on the text from anyone besides myself and Scott. I love the engagement and the challenge designers bring the process. As the actors, writers, stage managers, and directors don't stop working in the rehearsal room, either do the designers in the process. Tomorrow we will begin putting the elements together - in workshop manner, for sharing the process with the audience.
Today we worked some blocking at the top of the play. Tightening the action to word. And then we revisited certain moments - making it more and more specific. We talked about what I appreciate most about LAByrinth, and that is the fact that our play is very good. I'm not being cocky to say is very good. But we are striving for great. And greatness is in the details - and Scott and I only care that the actors continue to strive for the specificness of the characters. The NEED that resides in the characters....and Jamie D. and Eric T. each day touch into that need a little more each time. We will get as close to it as we can...and the commitment is to try to get as close as we can with each attempt, and closer the next time.
Becky good to have you back. You are needed. Especially now that the cakes have arrived. Thank you Andrea.
David Jackson thank you for the support and the facts.
Lauren...ten pounds of rain. Thanks.
And last a note of process: There is a point, just before public presentation of a play, when the essence can get lost - the purity of the first experience, the innocence of the character drifts a little to one side or the other, and the characters are a little more mature than they were just a few days ago. That maturity, is the knowledge of the actors' experience - and in the coming days they have the challenge of forgetting what they know...and like you, the opportunity to experience this lovely play for the first time.
I look forward to seeing it with you this weekend.



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