Saturday, June 7, 2008

Day Five - Blocked and loaded


We finished going through the final pages of putting it on its feet today. There is a tremendous amount of action at the top of the play, physical action, and the same is true at the end. It is interesting to see how the energy of the action has changed - a bedpan event at the top, is completely different than the one at the end. It is clear in the story telling that the character's point of view have changed.
Point of view was very strong today - especially when we went back to the top of the show and examined the expectations, and emotional state of each characters as we worked the first 6 pages. Not that it changed from table work, or first bit of blocking - it got more specific. I want to put a shout out to Scott Hudson, the play has a very specific emotional life for each character. Not surprising because Scott understands it as an actor but it is very much alive and specific in the play.
Also, want to thank Becky who assisted Lea on costume work today, everything is looking good and probably will be finished by the time we return to rehearsal on Tuesday and Lea heads back to Florida. She says she is going back for work but I believe she just wants to escape our crazy New York City summer heat.
Lauren took up the important role of sound operator for rehearsal. It is great having both of them there for support. I look forward to Sarah, Betsy, and Martin dropping by at any point. It has been a very open atmosphere so far, I hope to keep it going that way.
This is going to sound obvious - but when doing a workshop on a play, which is a critical step for the play's maturation, it is vital for the playwright to be there. Scott's input was so helpful in pushing me to get more specific with the actor's, and to clarify their relationship to the space. Simple things - but again the words, specific and deepening come to mind. Also, he got to hear the part of the play he is looking to address and got a better understanding of it from the actor/character point of view.
Now, in my day or two off - I am going to start to push toward the design elements, because as we confront the absence of a trap door, it is telling how the details of 1960 - ice box, transistor radio, all of it - help to inform the story. Again, Scott has truly cared for the details I look forward to honoring them so that he can see if it is serving the play in the way that he envisioned.
Okay - end of my blog for the week. I look forward to seeing what others post.
Thank you Scott, David, Eric T, Jamie D, Lea, Betsy, Martin, Kpoe, Peter D, Marieke, Jessica, Lauren, and Becky for an excellent first week.



Anonymous said...

Sounds great! Looking forward to the show.

gr8fulg8r said...

Sounds wonderful. Scott is awesome and an inspiration to all who have the awesome privilage to know him and be a part of his life.