Hope you all read Lea's blog. It's two down. That was one introduction to Florida blogging and then a comment came in from an expert on Sweet Storm, and Scott - Jewdee from Florida. Thanks for the comment, at the end of this post I'll have a couple of questions for you from me and Jamie D. But first I have to say - we've worked through to the end of the play today. It has a lot of beautiful actions. But it also has some challenging emotional moments for the actors - challenging in the avoidance of 'how it seems it should be played' by first read vs. what is truly happening between these two people. It is a challenge to avoid the 'should' and Eric T. and Jamie D. meet that challenge beautifully. All they need is a little suggestion or reminder of another direction and they take it and run with it. The whole play brightens and goes beyond the simple story and becomes a rich experience of these two people on very critical night of thier relationship. As I said to David, assistant director, and he agreed '"It is a pleasure to work with these actors on this beautiful play". A pleasure because they are willing - and able to go where the play needs them to go. Also, everyone in the room was able to invest in a discussion of what is happening with Ruthie at the one point that Scott is looking for clarity in the script. Everyone - David, Lauren, Becky, Jamie, Eric, Scott - and myself all discussed the moment. Scott was able to articulate the moment with our first slight script change. It may change more, it may not - but the understanding of the moment is vey clear now to everyone. It was a great moment when rehearsal stopped for fifteen minutes while we figured it out. There are moments when the rehearsals feel like an acting class with acceptional young actors - but this fifteen minute dialogue reminded us why we were all there. To serve the play. Then we got back to freedom and fun of the relationship (ticket selling moment) with Eric T. and Jamie D, wrestling with chocolate frosting in the bed.
Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you...
Back to the process...we got a great orange crate and transitor radio today. The details are very appreciated...don't know from where, or who they came from - she said she was from the Public and around, and then she was gone. Thank you masked prop woman, who ever you are. And thank you Andrea for agreeing to make us chocolate cakes for the run of the show. You are a kind, generous, talented person who will be thanked every night.
Our P.A. Lauren is very smart - she had an acute review of Penalties & Interest. She gave big ups to Yetta's hear any more details, I'll let her post them. Or after you go and see it post a comment here and I'll see if your thoughts agree with hers. But I was very impressed by her thoughtfullness on the show. Bodes well for University of Michigan.
Saw Jamie D's bf's band play tonight. They are very good - the rest of our gang couldn't go. Eric T. is in his last week of the Off Broadway play Betrayed, Becky is probably too young to get in, since they asked for my ID...and well the rest of them probably had to go home and root for the Yankees.
Day off tomorrow because of the Equity contract...Jamie D and Eric T are getting together on their own time to learn the rest of thier lines. They are doing very well. Again - Saturday's rehearsal is open, I'm going to say anytime...Noon to 5pm. We had a guest today, and it was lovely to share the process.
Okay Jewdee - thrilled you have the bug for SWEET STORM, sorry your other bug won't allow you to see the show this June - but your spirit and insight are greatly appreciated. Jamie and I have a couple of questions - many, but I'll limit them for now, and if you don't want to answer them, that is okay...Jamie is a lovely southern girl and wanted to make sure I said that. These questions are in no particular order but here goes:
How long after your diagnosis, or your illness settling in, did you get comfortable with - or have a sense of routine to your method of physical activities?
Is your breathing effected by very active times. Is there an advantage to being still?
If there is a paralysis in your legs - does it start above your hips? I believe Jamie is particularly interested in how it effects sitting and getting up from a lying down position.
Okay - now that I've written those questions: I agree with Jamie, answer any you are comfortable with - you can also email me directly at I will also see if we can get you a log on - so you can post yourself if you'd like.
The play is beautiful and it is an honor to be working on it. At first I was blogging with the intention of sharing the development process with those interested in theater. I am thrilled we can share the process with those who might not be able to get up to NYC on June 20th and 21st. Especially those in Florida.