I stopped by the theater and saw lights in the air and the set on stage. It's looking great. Already cleaning things up - like the minimal masking. Focus is tonight. Sound is later tonight. And then tomorrow we begin rehearsing in the theater. Tech officially begins Wednesday. Tuesday is for the actors to get used to the sound in the theater, for some spacing on the set, and addressing some sight line issues. It looks great - out of respect for the element of surprise I will try to refrain from posting a picture of the set before it is performed for an audience.
The next week. With technical rehearsals and previews will be very busy and I will want to blog about the experience. However, I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to Trevor Brown. Trevor was the marketing director for LAByrinth Theater that first asked me to blog about the development process last year when were at The Public. It has been very helpful to share the development process with everyone. This has helped to articulate thoughts about the play, to crystalize what is needed next, and to create a sense of community for the play. This play - maybe every play, is a communal event. Knowing that people are invested in the process and the success and growth of the play helps in some undefinable way to strengthen, empower, elevate the love, bond, and desires of Bo of Ruthie. As they enter the tree house all of you that have followed the blog go with them celebrating their happiness, empathizing with their pains, and rooting for their love to be fully realized. A play grows beyond craft of a team of artists and fully blossoms into an experience a community baring witness to one or more people attempting to overcome obstacles to achieve some thing vital. Thank you Trevor for thinking it might be interesting or valuable for people to bare witness to all of us trying to overcome every obstacle to achieve this production of Sweet Storm.
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