Friday, June 5, 2009



First off, we welcomed Jayme, our newest P.A. to the rehearsal room. She worked on UNCONDITIONAL, and WINTER PARTY, with LAByrinth and we are happy to have her in the room.  
Yesterday, Bob Saxner came to the run through. We had a brief discussion about some larger notes. And my experience with the play told me why some observations wouldn't serve the play. The questions that made most nervous were the ones that I didn't know how they would serve the play. It made me nervous because it would change things. Dramatically. It would change blocking, sure, it would also change the risk the two characters take in the scene. It would change the depth of their experience. I like risk and depth - but what if it threw off the balance of the play?
It didn't. Scott's play can hold all levels of honest experience.
The actors were ready and excited about these moments of exploration. All of the work we had done to this point prepared them emotionally to experience these changes with the depth and reality that Bob saw...and is in the play. It was some simple blocking changes, with internal shifts expected. If we had done this work (changed blocking) without the other exploration, I don't think the element of 'danger' would've been fully appreciated. The play got more dangerous today. And the actors proved to be courageous in their approach to the work and the play.
Shaking it up was so good for me. The play showed me another color today. That is critical as we go into tech - because up until now I've been dreaming we'd be sharing this work as it is in the rehearsal room. Today's growth got me excited for the details and growth that the design elements can provide.
Two big pieces of news:
The bedpan showed up today. And The poster is up at Theater Row. Both were lovely to see. And good signs that we are getting closer and ready for an audience.


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