Sunday, May 24, 2009

I heard the play today


Andrea Haring came to rehearsal today and gave us a little of her time. Eric T. and Jamie D. have been doing some dialect work. With Andrea there today there was courage to push to dialect a bit. While doing it we started to hear the world of the play come alive. Scott has truly caught something in the dialogue. As Jamie hit certain phrases and sounds the personality of Ruthie started to pop. As did Bo's with Eric's work. Thank you Andrea. It is true that thru the voice the physicality, personality, and thought of the character begins to be experienced.
We are entering the end of our first week of rehearsal. The entire play has been put on its feet and worked. The actors growth is a treat to watch as much as their willingness to capture more of the play. 

1 comment:

Beda said...


It is exciting for me to anticipate seeing Bo and Ruthie come alive on stage. I have read Sweet Storm and have fallen in love with the story. The pure and innocent love they are both experiencing draws you into the beginning of their new life as young lovers.

Reading your blog entries have been an interesting insight as to how the play is being developed. I believe Scott Hudson has a great talent that has just been tapped.

I wish you all the best.