Thursday, April 23, 2009

Let it Rain


Had a wonderful meeting with Sarah Sidman last week. We covered all the topics, late Fall Dusk, working lanterns, and more excitedly Sarah brought in an idea about pre-show. I don't usually think of pre-show as a time for telling the story. It is more of a time to create an environment to experience the play. Sarah's idea will do this. Oh, Sarah's idea was to not treat the space, the treehouse, as indoors, but to establish the outside environment - the rain, through sound and lights during the pre-show. When the play starts we are going to focus on the outside environment only how it is seen through the treehouse. This opening idea is a way for the storm to be realized in the audience's mind - and not seem so sudden at the end of the play. Well, it does a lot of things. The other designers, Scott, and myself think it's great.
Also, got an email from Betsy - who believes she can get all of what she needs regarding sound equipment. It is very exciting to start to put the pieces together all within a budget. It forces us to be creative, yet always serving the play. I wish I could attach a beautiful picture of what an ear monitor will do for making the transistor radio be a successful and beautiful element of the play. Until I can figure out how to do that - I will instead post a new design for a tree, that is within our budget, (I believe), and is very exciting artistically. Above is new draft of the model. I look forward to watching how the rest comes together. 
I was going to blog earlier but I was so happy to see Eric T. Miller's face on the blog I thought it best to it sit at the top of the sight for a while. Can't wait to see Jamie Dunn in video as well.


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